Wednesday, October 10, 2007

2 Corinthians 6:4-10

Well, the newness has finally worn off. I've been here for 5 months and it feels like it's about time for me to head back to New Mexico. This is the longest I've been away from home and it just seems like it's time to go back. I'm missing my family a ton and wish more than anything I could be with them. My dad is coming in December for a little over a week and we'll be spending Christmas together so I'm really looking forward to that.
It's not that I don't not like it here or that I don't want to be here, I just really miss America. Italy is a wonderful place but it's not familiar. I miss the convenience of driving, speaking the same language, fast food, big cups of coffee...well, I could go on and on but that won't do any good. There are some things here that I really have grown to love though. For example, I have a favorite coffee shop that I love going to. I always get a pastry and a cappuccino. There's a man that works there who knows English and he loves it when us Americans come into the coffee shop so he can speak to us in English. I've done a couple of Bible studies there and he always seems SO interested in what we're doing so next time I go there I'm going to ask him if he would like to study with me.
The language is coming slowly but surely. I'm defiantly understanding it A LOT more than I'm speaking it. I'm really not good at saying things but my goal is to be able to hold somewhat of a conversation before my dad gets here in December.
When I came to Italy, I was expecting things to be perfect, and wonderful, and amazing, but it's far from that. What I didn't think about was that Satan is also in Italy. He knows that my team and I are doing good things here and he's doing everything in his power to stop us. It has been so hard for me because I've always had my family to run to but now that I'm thousands of miles away from them I've had to completely rely on God. This has been a HUGE blessing for me. Times have been really hard here in Italy but I have never felt so close to God. I am really having to be still and listen to Him. I'm just taking it one day at a time and allowing God to be in front of me as my shield and protector.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I miss you so so so much and I think about ya'll daily. Love you and God bless!!



AIMing in Africa said...

These times are the best times to learn to rely on God. I'm learning... as well.
Love you.

Princess Warrior for my King said...

Hey miss Cher Cher! I don't know how I really got your blog address, but I guess its cool. I also have a blog. Its! We need to talk sometime. Let me know if you have an american landline or skype or something so we can talk. Miss ya girl. Can't wait to hear from you soon! Love you.

Lindsay White said...

Hey girl, I haven't had a chance to read your thoughts lately, but this one really stood out to me. Thanks for your honesty. I feel much of the same way lately and it is nice to know I am not alone. I miss you girl, but know that our time here will be over faster than we know. Hang in there and know I am here if you need anything. I am officially asking you on a date to Dion's when we get plan on it! Love you and miss you heaps.